Network Extender (IP-2000X) is an IP address-configurable adapter
that allows multi-point control and display of countdown time from Limitimer®,
DSan's popular speaker timer system.
The extender must be configured for your network.
CLick here to download the configuration
After the application is launched, power the extender with the external power supply
and connect to the computer via USB.
Obtain an unused IP address from your network administrator as well as an unused port and configure
extender as a server. (Note: Use the IP address you obtained as the device address - the device
is being used as the server.
Configure another Extender as a client. As soon a you click "Use DHCP" the device IP address text box
is disabled because the network router will assign (and probably remember) its IP address.
Enter the IP address and port of the server-configured router.
Connect a signal light. If a Liimiter is connected to the server-configure extender, you should see
the signal light display the Limitimer data. See PC-Client to use your
PC to test the connection.